High vacuum superinsulation cryogenic container Thermal conductivity measuring equipment of adiabatic material at low temperature 高真空超绝热低温容器非金属绝热材料低温热导率测试装置
Research on Cryogenic Process and Equipment of Automobile Hub-bearing 汽车轮毂轴承深冷处理工艺与设备研究
Determination of relevant pressures for cryogenic liquid storage& transportation equipment 低温液体储运设备相关压力确定
The problem of heat sinks in cryogenic equipment is discussed. 文中讨论了低温装置中的热沉问题。
Heat Sink for Temperature Measurement in the Cryogenic Equipment 低温装置中温度测量的热沉问题
This paper developed a new type of cryogenic equipment to prevent the high temperature during the grinding process which solve the practical engineering problem. 本文针对磨削过程中的过高的磨削温度问题,研制开发了一种新型的低温供液装置,解决了工程中的实际问题。
A new large space simulator is introduced and the effects of the cryogenic equipment on the simulators are also discussed. 介绍了低温技术对大型空间环境模拟设备性能的影响。对大型空间环境模拟设备中的低温传热和流动现象进行了讨论。
The cryogenic optical experiment system is comprised of cryogenic vacuum chamber, vacuum sets, proof vibration sub-system, measuring equipment and so on. 该系统由真空机组、低温真空腔体、防振系统、测量装置等主要部分组成。
After analyzing the principles and structures of present cryogenic machining equipments for cutting or grinding center, a new method of producing cooled gas by semiconductor refrigeration equipment was proposed; 在综合分析现有低温冷风发生装置的原理和结构后,提出了采用半导体制冷器作为冷源的构想。
The information can be used by the petro-chemical and other departments in designing and manufacturing Cryogenic equipment. 可供石油化工及其他部门设计、制造低温设备时选用。
Cryogenic high-pressure vessel wound by flat metal strip with a liquid nitrogen precooling jacket is a new fashion adiabatic equipment, which consists of inter vessel and outer vessel. 扁平绕带式低温高压容器是一种新型低温液体贮存设备,由内外两层容器组成,内筒体的外壁焊有液氮预冷夹套。